由來自Animal Alliance Asia的皓婷、譯者林若瑄及動保龍捲風創辦人Mona共同主辦,她們挑選四部動物相關短片,希望經過重新排列組合後,以溫柔且引人深思的力量鼓勵觀眾重新思考自己與動物的關係。短片放映後,AAA皓婷以及動保龍捲風Mona一同帶領觀影者進行深入淺出的座談,探究四部短片的起承轉合及當中傳遞的訊息。——此活動與「狐狸狐途《小狐狸的媽媽;媽媽的小狐狸》繪本展」合作
Organized by Roxie Chia (Animal Alliance Asia), Lorelai Lin(translator/screenwriter) and Mona (Animal Peptalk founder), this screening features 4 heartwarming and inspirational short films hoping to encourage audiences to rethink and change their relationships with non-human animals. After the short films, Mona and Roxie facilitated a panel discussion with the audience.——This event was held as part of '狐狸狐途 - The Little Fox’s Mother and the Mother’s Little Fox Picture Book and Educational Exhibition.'